我所的服务宗旨是反应迅速,案件周转快,信息及时,服务周到。 我所工作人员凭藉诚信,细心,先进的技术, 丰富的知识,技巧和经验,给客人最好和最及时的服务
1. 全美五十州公司的成立,改组及解散。
Formation, reorganization and dissolution of companies in fifty states.
2. 呈报全美五十州的个人及公司税。
Personal and corporate taxes in all fifty states.
3. 合伙公司,有限责任公司,跨国公司及个人报税和规划。
Tax filing and planning for partnerships, limited liability companies, multinational companies, and individuals.
4. 信托遗产税和赠予税的规划及申报.
Trust, estate and gift tax filing and planning.
5. 申报薪资税,销售税,公司税。
Payroll tax, sales taxes and corporate taxes.
6. 新移民税务规划。
Tax planning for new immigrants.
7. 办理多年补税,修改错误税表。
Prior year tax returns.
Company Address 公司地址: 38 West 32nd Street, Suite 600 New York, NY 10001
Company Phone 公司电话: 212 631-0320
Company Email 公司邮箱: mark@midtowncpafirm.com
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